Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can. We’ll offer you advice on how best to do so.

Yes. All JRFs are required to submit a high-quality first draft by the close of the Junior Research Fellowship and will also present their work in a symposium.

Generally, we would advise that you use it for educational purposes. That said, we will not control how you eventually choose to use it.

No. If you want to hedge your bets and be considered for both the Junior Research Fellowship and the Seminar, you have to apply for each separately. You’ll only automatically participate in the Seminar (without applying for it) if you’re selected to be a JRF.

JRF’s taking the Seminar will need to attend 10 out of the 12 sessions.  Any JRF who doesn’t meet this minimum will be discontinued from the program.

Unfortunately, we won’t consider candidates who have been ILINA Fellows previously unless their application is directly solicited by our team.

For the Seminar, we recommend that you set aside 3 to 4 hours for pre-class readings every week and 2 to 3 hours for the Seminar classes to be held each week. After the Seminar ends, we expect JRFs to be working on their projects for 20 hours per week for at least 15 weeks.

If you have any other questions, please write us at
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